The following are some tips on how to use your Plone 5.0.4 AMI powered by Symetricore on the AWS Marketplace.

SSH login user

Username: centos

No password is used. You should connect to your instance using the public IP address and your public key.

ssh -i mykey.pem centos@public-ip

Initial Launch

It will take a while (up to 5 minutes) for the installation process to complete after launching for the first time from the AWS Marketplace. If you navigate to the Plone webpage and get an error message as seen below then you might be trying to access plone before the customizations scripts have completed wait a few minutes for the launch to complete.


Note that this will only happen on the first launch from the AWS Marketplace. Subsequent start/stop or reboots will not take as long to complete

Plone web admin

Access to plone is via a web browser at


Note that you will only be able to access plone via secure https access. You should see the following welcome page where you can login and create your site. See the section below on where to find the login credentials.


Plone administrator account

The way that Plone is installed, the web admin password is randomly generated upon initial launch from the marketplace. To find out the assigned password you need to log in from the console using the instructions above. Type the following to output the generated password.

sudo cat /opt/plone/zeocluster/adminPassword.txt

You should see the following information.

[centos@ip-172-31-25-184 ~]$ sudo cat /opt/plone/zeocluster/adminPassword.txt 
Use the account information below to log into the Zope Management Interface
The account has full 'Manager' privileges.

  Username: admin
  Password: lQloeDAR@S89

This account is created when the object database is initialized. If you change
the password later (which you should!), you'll need to use the new password.

Use this account only to create Plone sites and initial users. Do not use it

Enter the login details when prompted.


Continue on to create your site


You should see the following Welcome page.



Basic usage info on how to use Plone can be found here. More Plone documentation can be found here. Information on working with plone content can be found here.


Plone is free software licensed under version 2 of the GNU General Public License. For more information see the following link.

Plone and the Plone® logo are registered trademarks of the Plone Foundation, registered in the United States and other countries. For guidelines on the permitted uses of the Plone trademarks, see