The following are some tips on how to use your Osclass AMI powered by Symetricore on the AWS Marketplace.

SSH login user

Username: ubuntu

No password is used. You should connect to your instance using the public IP address and your public key.

ssh -i mykey.pem ubuntu@public-ip

Osclass web admin

Access to the Osclass admin panel is via a web browser at


Osclass administrator account.

username: admin 
password: aws-instance-id

The instance id is found in the AWS console under in the “Description” tab. It is formatted like this:


Make sure you include the i- in the when you copy/paste.

Access to the user view of Osclass is via a web browser at the following


More information is located here on how to locate your instance-id.

How to configure outbound email settings?

To configure outbound email, follow these steps:

  1. Go to OSClass admin interface.
  2. Click on the “Settings” buton on the left side panel and click on “Mail Server”

You can find an example with Gmail configuration below: